Friday, August 31, 2012

International Overdose Awareness Day 2012

International Overdose Awareness Day originated in 2001 at the Salvation Army needle exchange program in Melbourne Australia. Saddened by the loss of so many people, a staff member named Sally Finn decided to organize a memorial event.  Just over a decade later, that event is now observed as International Overdose Awareness Day every 31 August in dozens of countries around the world.

There are at least two great things you can do to participate today. First, please donate to the Naloxone Fund, for which 100% of contributions go to purchasing naloxone for overdose projects around the USA. Funding goes through the Chicago Recovery Alliance, which was the first American harm reduction organization to distribute naloxone, and which has never stopped giving crucial support to new projects around the world.

Second, attend one of the many events happening today. The OD Day site has a list that includes many international events, and the Drug Policy Alliance has a list of events in the U.S.  The DOPE Project page also has events listings and many links to news and other information.

Over the next few days we'll post a roundup of news and ideas from this year's overdose day, and you can see a report on last year's events here.

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